How to buy a domain name?

Definition: the definition of an online website inevitably takes its URL into account. When you choose to host your website using a free web host, the latter will usually impose a domain name that is difficult to memorise.

The usefulness of buying a domain name

It is easier to memorise the URL address of a site that has its own domain name, and it is simpler and easier for Internet users not to forget it. As already mentioned, complicated names are always difficult to remember. When the domain name is simple, it can be quickly publicised among visitors who can easily talk about the site, and this will greatly boost your audience.
In sum, a simplified domain name that is easy to remember will grant you credibility and make your site appear professional.

Choosing a domain name

A domain name shouldn’t be complicated or too long, and, if possible, should avoid multiple characters such as brackets or hyphens.
Its pronunciation should also be taken into account. A very simple domain name is always easy to pronounce. It should, of course, mean something and be available.

Availability: To check the availability of a domain name you need to refer to “Whois” which will allow you to determine with precision the name of its owner.
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Buying a domain name

The filing of a domain name is carried out via “InterNIC” or “registrars”. The former is an international organisation and the second is a sub-organisation. In France AFNIC is in charge of the “.fr” domain name.

The choice of domain is made based on the activity carried out.

For commercial businesses it is “.com”, which is currently the most commonly used; “.edu” is selected for the education sector. Governments use “.gouv” and the military uses “.mil”. Networks are connected to “.net”, and charitable enterprises use “.org”. The most common domain name selected in France is “.fr”. There are also new extensions such as .xyz, .pro and .io, etc.


Grabbing is a bad practice exercised by certain web users and is that of buying in advance the domain names of certain organisations and reselling these to them at a higher price should they need them. Many domain names have been sold to businesses at colossal prices, well above their initial value. Today there is legislation to regulate this and lead a concerted fight against cyber-squatters.

Buying a domain name

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