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What is the kubernetes container orchestrator?

What is vmware cloud director (cse) container service extension?

With the democratization of broadband and the change in Internet consumption habits, a new way to host and to make turn the applications has developed. Thanks to the cloud, they are now increasingly containerized, their components scattered in clusters. This containerization offers the advantage of being much less heavy and greedy in resources and in memory for the host. This is where the Kubernetes Container Orchestrator comes into play.

What is a container orchestrator for?

An application needs several things to function. A database, a library of resources ... These components, previously stored on the same machine, are now much more often fragmented and distributed among a multitude of pods and nodes, themselves grouped into clusters. The role of the container orchestrator is to ensure that on request of a user or the administrator, each component of the application activates and interacts with the others, to ultimately recompose the complete application, in perfect working order. The orchestrator must also take into account the workload, to adapt the use of resources at the request of users. These automation and optimization functions are a boon for the administrator, who can therefore save his time and concentrate on his other tasks. It is the container orchestrator that will adapt the infrastructure and the back end to the different demands.

  • Automation and scalability

    The most difficult task when administering a cloud network is to make coïncide the use of application resources to the requested workload. In other words, more there are users who launch the application at the same time, more the workload is high, and the more it will be necessary to optimize the use of resources in order not to lose efficiency, or even system go into default.

    This scalability is all the more important in case of an incident, if certain components become inaccessible on a node. The Kubernetes Container Orchestrator will automatically transfer the workload to other nodes by creating duplicates of faulty podes. This task, usually manual, is made automatic and therefore much faster by the software, which instantly detects the incident and proposes a suitable solution. The gain in responsiveness is undeniable, and nowadays it is almost unthinkable to have to realize these tasks manually without losing productivity.

    The Container Orchestrator also greatly facilitates the deployment of applications, no longer working with the virtual machines, but directly with the containers.

  • Open Source Architecture

    The Kubernetes Container Orchestrator is based on an open source architecture. This means that the source code of the software is accessible to all, and modifiable at will. Its development is therefore constantly ensured by a growing, passionate and responsive community, allowing it to always be at the forefront of technology and to constantly adapt to the realities on the ground and to rapid changes in development habits.

  • Container Service Extension to facilitate the creation of applications

    The extension, also called CSE for connoisseurs, allows the administrator of the cloud network to offload certain tasks and to help his collaborators, administrators of the containers, to create functional virtual applications and to deploy them via Kubernetes.

    To do this, the network administrator will install the extension, then after setting and installing the templates, will only have to ensure its proper functioning and update it regularly. The launch and the configuration requires minimal investment the first time. The role of the administrator thereafter will only be punctual, and will be limited to adding new models occasionally from time to time.

    Cluster administrators, on the other hand, can easily create and add nodes and clusters, while ensuring that updates do not create any issues. If necessary, they will refer it to the system administrator.

  • Simplicity retained for application developers

    VMware's Container Service extension, once installed, remains invisible to developers, who will continue to use Kubectl to develop and deploy their applications on the clusters.

    This is an advantage for the system administrator, who will not have to change the work habits of his collaborators. They will not have to spend time training in new working methods.

  • Security and Backup

    This extension has a backup system, which allows a rollback in the case of an incident or incompatibility after an update. This essential function guarantees the tranquility of the administrator and his collaborators.

    Also based on an Open Source architecture, this extension is constantly modified and adapted to the problems encountered by its users, ensuring a exemplary stability and a maximum compatibility with the new tools deployed over time.

    In addition, the physical separation of the server and the network of clusters allows a great seal against a threat coming from the web, that a simple software partitioning does not always avoid with certainty.

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